Transcript Health

Empowering Patients, Transforming Healthcare

Better Health Outcomes

At Transcript Health, we're revolutionizing the way healthcare professionals prescribe. Our digital prescription platform streamlines the prescription process, reducing wait times, eliminating transcription errors, and enhancing overall efficiency in healthcare delivery.

Physician Prescribes

Physicians log in to our secure platform to prescribe medications directly to patients or their pharmacists, enabling real-time communications.

Pharmacy Dispenses

Prescriptions are instantly transmitted to the patient's email and patient's chosen pharmacy, eliminating the need for paper or fax.

Patient Reports

Our reports provide insights into patient adherence, cost of therapy, and symptoms, empowering patients to make informed decisions about their health.

50% of medications for chronic illnesses are not taken as prescribed (~10M Canadians)

Non-compliance can have serious health consequences, ranging from poorly managed symptoms to decreased quality of life and even death.Average adherence for patients with chronic illness is relatively poor:
Diabetes 43%
Hypertension 48%
High Cholesterol 57%

Why Transcript Health?


Physicians can easily prescribe medications to their patients from any location with an internet connection. Our user-friendly interface makes the prescription process quick and hassle-free.


Minimize the risk of transcription errors associated with manual prescription writing. Our digital platform ensures accurate transmission of prescription details, reducing the likelihood of medication errors.

Health Insights

Transcript Health delivers vital medication details to patients, including dosage, cost, and adherence, fostering transparency and education for improved health outcomes.

Patient Safety

By reducing manual transcription and streamlining the prescription process, we enhance patient safety and improve overall healthcare outcomes.

Join Transcript Health today and revolutionize the way you prescribe and dispense medications.

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